I am going to build the German tanks that are available in the order that they showed up all those years ago. I have always had an interest in how the development of tanks progressed.- I will be using the Peter Chamberlain Encyclopedia of German Tanks of World War Two as a guide to the order of these developments.
I would like to start with the very first ones from WWI but I will wait till better kits become available
The first one mention under Panzerkampfwagen I and variants is the Panzerkampwagen I Ausf A ohne Aufbau. The other designation was Krupp Traktor LaS.
15 0f these were produced from February to April 1934.
The chassis Nos. were 8011-9000 and the manufactures were, Henschel, MAN, Daimler-Benz, Rheinmetal-Borsig and Krupp- Grusson.
I will add to this as I find some time.
I will be using the kit from Tristar for this build- Number 025 in their catalog. I will also be adding as much aftermarket as I feel necessary as well.