Well here I'm going to start up the HobbyBoss version of the Sdkfz. 222. Just to get a whole other take on this vehicle, and to help cross reference all the good and or bad points of each kit, the Tristar, Tamiya, and now HobbyBoss. It has some interesting features but probably has some not so great features. A few good points- the MG ammo box holders are from PE and have the opening at the bottom as they should, there is a metal mesh for the fighting compartment/engine bay sectional wall, plus an engine!
I won't get into it now, just letting you know- it's late and I'm going to bed, I hope to get something up for you all to look at tomorrow.
P.S. I have another two Sdkfz 223's to do as well, keep an eye out for them to get going as well.