Hey Thats much better photography already! The picture size is way more manageable, glad you could take the suggestion and improve your presentation.
Now one thing more I could suggest, before you size the picture to 800 pixels, try and crop as close to the model as makes sense, that is get rid of all that extra white space surrounding the model (either by getting closer in the first place, filling your viewfinder and editing in camera , or use Photoshop or the like to crop the image), and try and bring the model closer to us, the viewer. Also it may help to try and get a bit more light on the front aspect of the model as it may be a little dark.
Here I have cropped and resized. (The picture is pretty pixel lated because the original was so small. You would crop the original and then resize so it would look okay compared to this sample I have made.)The reason I did this was to show how to crop