These are from a Tristar kit that has seven Russian figures in it, one that was already used for my BA-20 episode. These are the others. I have replaced some of the heads and hands as the quality on the sculpting was not to my satisfaction. This one has a hand from hornet and a head from an Alpine figure- big improvement!
Head from an Ultracast head with '40's hair styles set. The hand again from Hornet.
Yes actually this figure portion of the site should be fun! I usually like to build each figure in relation to a specific kit/project to ensure that the arms/hands and such all line up and "fit" with the tank or whatever- (nothing look s more fake than a hand floating mysteriously off of a surface), but if there are any issues in the future I'll just replace these hands with Hornet or Alpine/Ultracast items.
Although I have alot of figure sets that I have bought and built I usually don't finish most of them. I get them primed and then stop waiting for the perfect time to use them. They are just sitting a drawer in my model room waiting to be used. I used to buy every Dragon figure set that came out but last year I decided to rid myself of them as I knew I was never going to use them. I still have alot of them but sold or traded alot of them away.
To become old and wise you must first survive being young and stupid.