O.k. Last week I decided to try out some new tecniques. In the past I painted my models with enamels, coated with future or duraquil, decals, gave it a sludge wash (what I call it) with oils, light dry brush with oils then dull coat. I never used filters washes or dot tecnique. A sludge wash in case you are wondering is very simple. I cover the entire model with dark umber (the dark brown color) oil paint. Then using q-tips I proceed to wipe off as much as I can. Usually what is left over is just stuff that is in the nooks and crannies. It also acts as a type of filter and blends in everything. Well I purchased the AK Interactive DVD on filters, washes and such and such (don't remember the title exactly as it isn't right in front of me) and decided that I am going to try and basically follow the procedures outlines in it. So what I am going to do is paint in acrylics, light modulate, decal, chip (I'm not a big chipper so should be quick) and then follow the DVD for the rest. So I needed a test subject. I was looking at my stash for something I could knock out real quick but really couldn't find anything. I wanted it to be German so I could use a tri color scheme but again couldn't really find something that I could quickly finish and start to paint. After all this was going to be a test subject. I then remembered that several years ago I bought a small collection of models from someone and one of the kits that was in it was an already assembled Tamiya Japanese Type 97 Shinhoto tank. The build wasn't the best but was adequate and the paint job didn't matter as it was going to be repainted but what I like about it was I could do a tri color scheme (actually 4 if I add the yellow stripe). So the first thing I had to do was check the model and make sure it wasn't missing anything. Besides some grab handles and the AA mount it was all there. I replaced the missing handles but couldn't find an AA mount (although I think I have one that I can put on later). Now for the scheme. I used Model Master Acrylics and chose the "Light Earth" for the base color. After letting it sit over night I did a light modulation of the base color. Again after sitting over night I used "Silly Putty" to mask the model and used "Schokoladenbraun" for the brown color and repeated the previous steps. I then masked some more with silly putty and painted the green using "Medium Green". Tonight I will finish the modulation for the green. Afterwards I will take a picture or two to show you where I am at (wish I would have taken some before shots but oh well). Well now that you are all up to speed we can proceed the rest of the way together. Until next post.