Thanks Tim, a little small though.
Any ways here is another update, finally seeing the end of the tunnel, and I must say going in depth like this is good for actually learning the make-up and construction of the real thing as you go through, having to check everything against reference photos etc. And all I can say is this kit from Dragon, or any other manufacturer for that matter can only get it right to some degree. I would have to scratch build something completely working from scale drawings I think to get anything that would be "rivet counting accurate" Several areas are not right and/or simplified in these plastic kits.
Anyways as we are focused on this build of a DML using a Voyager let's direct the critique there for now the other kits will follow and their merits and foibles will be looked into at that time.
So in this picture you can see the home made, (not PE Allan
), support arms for the shielding. I have drilled two small holes for the pin chain to hang from. These arms actually are an earlier set that the ones on there now, one of the reasons this build is dragging on, is I have to redo things sometimes because they aren't "perfect"
I soldered the tiny PE chains that come with the set. I subsequent pictures you will see these gone, for a number of reasons, one being that they just don't look right-too stiff!
Next I cobbled together a couple of the replacement adjustment levers that come with the Voyager set. They ask for plastic rod but I solder brass.
Here you can see I have re-heated and removed the troublesome straps and in the following photograph you can see a rough cut brass tube being fitted under the strap.
a test fit and everything is Groovy...
(BTW, in this picture you can see the side braces referred to below,
B41 and B51, lying right beside the gun.)
The small central shield has some nice side mounting braces but care must be shown when positioning everything so the bends are not forced or not succinct.
The front shield braces could be better designed as the hinge fold on parts B41and B51is difficult. Also there should be a slight cut angle to the top. I pressed out the rivets on the shield itself, which looked good till I put pressure on them when I soldered the braces on- they were then sanded down and replacements will be used.
The instructions are not clear where too attach this small shield to the gun!? - check your references carefully.