A while ago I put a request on some militaria forums for information about field kitchen limbers in museums. I didn't get any response and I had forgotten about it when I had a private message from a guy in Germany who has a limber and kitchen!
I explained why I was interested in the limber and I will be visiting next month to extensively photograph and measure the real thing! Although I haven't been able to continue with this build, since my move from the UK, I am now in a position to see the real thing to build an accurate model! The limber is original and has only had a few wood and metal parts replaced. Unfortunately I can't visit when the kitchen is in operation to commemorate the end of World War 2 in that region.
I have also contacted a guy in Australia and he kindly emailed me some scans of original photos that he has collected of the field kitchen and limber. I have purchased the Gulaschkanone book that Dan has, which has some very useful photos and info.
What started out as a simple out of the box build is turning into a massive research and correction project.
I will update with more information as soon as I can.